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Attract sincere Love or Strengten a bond Spell
Attract sincere Love or Strengten a bond Spell

Attract sincere Love or Strengten a bond Spell


Spell’s intentions: attract sincere love into your life, attract the right partner, attract your desired relationship, attract your desired partner, attract a soulmate relationship, your love life feels like a movie, strengthen your relationship, feel connected with your lover, you share a special connection with your partner, good news and good opportunities in your love life

These spell jars are created by me, the recipes are not coming from a witchcraft book or a website. Spell jars and intentions jars are perfect for an extra boost when you try to manifest something into your reality. 
My spells are filled with positive intentions and made with care. Each filled with crystals, dried flowers and herbs and nature's energy. They are topped with intention coloured wax and decorated with a top grade quality charm. I also meditate with each spell before sending it to you. 

Spell jars or intentions jars amplify the energy and are a visual reminder of what you are creating and calling into your life.

You can carry this spell with you but I highly suggest that you put your spell jar in a sacred space, it can be an altar, your bedroom or any purified space in your home.

White MagicThese spells are safe, this is white magic, I am not into black magic or any kind of revenge spells. If someone did you wrong, understand that the Universe will take care of it eventually. If someone is sending you a lot of negative energies and intentions I can also help with a protection/return to sender spell, where the ill intentions will simply be returned to their sender.